ALS Co., Ltd. is building the power to lead with cutting-edge technology.
ALS Co., Ltd. is building the power to lead with cutting-edge technology.
As part of economic sanctions aimed at eradicating social problems such as human rights abuses, child labor exploitation, and sexual violence in conflict areas in Africa
(10 countries including DR Congo), it refers to the new regulations implemented mainly in developed countries that designate minerals mined in these areas (tin, tungsten, tantalum, gold, cobalt, mica and other minerals) as conflict minerals and impose sanctions on companies’ use of conflict minerals to prevent mining funds from flowing into rebel military funds.
In 2010, the U.S. Congress created the Dodd-Frank Financial Regulatory Reform Act, which mandated reporting of conflict minerals, and required U.S.
listed companies to report their use of conflict minerals to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
ALS Co., Ltd. will make the following active efforts to regulate conflict minerals, which has become an international issue.
ALS Co., Ltd. requires all suppliers to strictly comply with its conflict minerals management policy.
ALS Co., Ltd. will actively participate in international efforts to ban the use of conflict minerals with its suppliers and customers for systematic supply chain management. In addition, the company will monitor government policies and support to respond to conflict mineral regulations and establish a gradual process for this. Through this, we will fulfill our social responsibility to protect human rights in countries in conflict zones in Africa (ten countries including DR Congo).