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ALS Co., Ltd.


ALS Co., Ltd. is building the power to lead with cutting-edge technology.

Social Responsibility Management

Safety Environment Management Policy

Placing the safety and health of workers as the top priority in the company management, ALS Co., Ltd.
has established an autonomous safety management system to preven and respond to safety-compromising accidents in business locations and facilities subject to safety management, making its best to ensure life and safety through continuous preventive activities.

  • 1 Make safety and health a top priority in management and conduct continuous preventive activities to prevent industrial accidents through systematic safety management.
  • 2 Cultivate safety awareness among employees through safety and health education and training, and actively strive to eliminate risk factors by identifying and improving potential risks.
  • 3 Comply with safety and health laws, collect opinions on safety and health from stakeholders, reflect them in the safety management policy, and implement them.
  • 4 All employees must actively participate in compliance with the safety management policy and faithfully comply with their responsibilities and obligations for safety and health activities.
  • 5 Ensure that all suppliers and contractors comply with our health and safety policies and safety requirements.